Wednesday, July 22, 2009


My name is Commander Blade.I am a team leader of the Nerf Blazingguns team.
I have been playing Nerf for 7 years.It was my idea to have a Nerf team,and that idea has turned into a fair sized group. The team has a amount of troops is 14 (counting me.)Their is one Commander, two Captains,(these are in high rank) and 11 troops.

Nerf is a great game. You have a lot of fun. If you know what I mean, my old Long Shot CS-6 (Nerf gun) lasted four years! That's a lot of game play!
But for the last words in this post, some people think that Nerf is a cheap game.But I say..."Y'all might think that Nerf is cheap,it's not as cool as Airsoft, but if you want a close firefight game...Welcome to Nerf!"

-Commander Blade out.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I have two Nerf guns that look just like the one in the photo, just without the middle rotating type thing.
