Now I know nerf is supposedly not cool i mean who would want nerf over airsoft or paint ball but nerf can be fun say your on a campus I don't think they would like paint on the building's and windows and they would definetly not like plastic bbs every where so NERF or even just anywhere nerf is alway safe way to play a safe and still fun game.So those of you who are thinking of nerf here are some of the guns for starter's.
1.Night Finder-is inexpensive but unless you mod it not to much power and you have to have a certain dart at first it has a light on the gun but it doesn't really help accuracy though still cool an interesting cockingt mechinism and is only 6 bucks.
2.Crossfire-all around good gun it as medium power and good cocking though like the nihgt finder is single loader it comes with a sheild (can be usefull) and glasses for eye protection unless figting at really close range don't really need although still cool.It is a little over priced at $10.00 though a pretty good gun.
3.Maveric-is an awsome gun which is has medium power and is really good all round use considering the rotating cilender alows a rapid rate of fire and can be reloaded quickly plus it is $10.00 although I have found it 7 in some places.
4.Secret strike-not much to say on this one except when you only need one shot or two at close range this is the gun
5.Nerf elimenation-almost like the secret strike except doesn't take pumping.
6.Firefly-cool gun can carry a lot of ammo and is cool for night time operations becuase youcan use the glow darts to lure your target's closer it can't shoot very far i guess medium or weak power for $20.00 I think.
7Recon-close range firefight gun with awsome ability to be changed to fit you or to fit the terain your using it in.It comes with a sight which can be ajusted to from a dot to a big light along with another sight wich can be ajusted depending on the range.can be reloaded quickly and is a great gun for $20.00.
8.Long Shot-a great gun the scope is not very usefull though the gun can be used at almost any range with highpower can be changed from sniper mode to firefight mode quikly it is a pretty good fun and can carry an extra magizine in a conveinent easy to reach part of the gun a great gun for $30.00.
9.Mag strike-an good gun for charging and taking out enemy positions is rapid fire and surprisingly reloede at medium speed also can give excelent coverfire good accuraccy. is a great gun for $30.00
10.-Uni Power system-Great for baraging enemy position's.using the hornet in a fire fight and scout well to scout.Awsome for $40.00.with medium power on the hornet and scout high power on the missile launcher.
11.Vulcan ebf 25-can be switched from single shot to Fully automatic very quickly can jam but that is fixed quickly great gun for defending positions though slow reload it is belt fed and is a good gun all and all espeicially for $40.00.
12. (blank for now)
Well there they are hope you like it!
Sweet dude! Good job.:)
ReplyDelete-Commander Blade out.