Friday, February 12, 2010

Nerf Capture the flag.

Game: Capture the flag.
Rules:There is no lives. only respond points. when you are shot, you will go to the respond fort and count to 10.
If you are shot while you are running with the flag, you drop the flag and go to the respond fort.
The game will last for 20 minutes. the team that has the most points for capturing the flag wins.

Commander Blade-

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nerf dart tag fast reload sleeve

The Nerf dart tag fast reload sleeve looks cool for inside Nerf firefights. It dose look cool, but I don't know if I would get it. If you had a heavy firefight inside your house, I think that it would work.

Commander Blade-

P.S. Thank SG Nerf for the pics.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Signapore Nerf fights.

Here's some sweet vids of the Signapor Nerf Tourament.
There great! Enjoy!

Commander Blade

Team X-Factor Vs. Team Fury Busters

Team Chowder Vs. Team Maskmen

Team Pirated Vs. Team Accuracy of Death

Team Anonymous Vs. Team Holy Smokes

And here is one that is cool.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cool Nerf action video!

This is a cool video, watch it! It's awesome!

Commander Blade-